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A Community of Curious Minds

Engaging in-person classes by quality instructors. For all adults, all for fun.

As adults go through age-related lifestyle changes , they often lose their previous opportunities for social interaction and mental engagement.

  We provide in-person, informal courses where you encounter new people, keep your mind active, and live a fuller, richer life.

Why? Because we want these years to be some of your most interesting.

Get a free ticket to try out a morning of LLGTX classes. Keep your mind sharp, among friends. CLICK HERE.

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What's Next?

We offer two 6-week terms with over 20 courses in the winter and fall, a 1-week series of 10 lectures, special presentations, and occasional trips, all by our incredible volunteer instructors.  To see what’s coming up, CLICK HERE.

Log In.

Explore our site as much as you want and send us your questions. When you are ready for next steps, you will need a user account on the site. To create your secure username and password, CLICK HERE.

Become a Member

Membership is just $50.00 per year. It creates a connection so you get updates, notices, and a way to register for courses. Most importantly, it welcomes you into a community of lifelong learners. For more information, CLICK HERE.

Be an Instructor

All of our instructors are volunteers. If you have an area of interest or expertise you’d like to present, we would love to talk to you about it. Email ( to connect with us or to send us a proposal, CLICK HERE.

Courses & Bio's

The Winter 2025 term runs Jan 27 – Mar 7. To see what we are offering in this widely varied presentation of nineteen courses, CLICK HERE.

Register for Classes

Registration for the Winter Term Jan 27 – Mar 7 is now open. One fee of $95.00 allows you to attend all of the lectures you want. To register, CLICK HERE.

Find a Venue

Our courses and lectures are held in several locations in Georgetown, and may change over time. To get directions for a venue, CLICK HERE.

Download Documents

Some people prefer to do everything on paper, using the mail. In addition, sometimes we have course handouts that you can download and print. When that’s the case, to see what’s available, CLICK HERE.

Enrolled Now

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Anyone who stops learning is old, at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. – Henry Ford