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Pride and Prejudice and the Pill

Pride and Prejudice and the Pill

Pride and Prejudice and the Pill with Dr. Guy Guidici
Fridays,  10:30 – 11:30 AM
San Gabriel  Presbyterian Church
In Person, On Demand

Elaborating on his hour-long summer lecture, Guy will continue to explore the cultural phenomenon of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice by examining questions such as “Why does this Jane Austen 1813 novel still matter so much today?” and “Why the many adaptations, endless pages of fan fiction, and legions of devoted ‘Janeites’?”

Dr. Guy Guidici has taught literature in cross-disciplinary programs, in dreaded “sophomore lit” classrooms, and in casual conversations with people willing to stand still for a while. He also enjoys teaching a series of adult electives at First Presbyterian Church in Georgetown on historical topics ranging from the Christian Call to Hospitality to Living Through the Reformation. He manages to work Hamlet into nearly every course and conversation.

10:30 am - 11:30 am

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