Due to the amount of interest in our trips, we offer all seats possible for reservation. On many trips, all seats are taken. All trips are subject to change or cancellation. You must be a member of Lifelong Learners GTX to participate in our trips.
Trips are advertised in one or more of the following ways:
- On the Lifelong Learners GTX passport page and travel events page.
- E-mail notification to all members
- Announced in Course Schedules, during classes, annual meeting, or on trips.
General Lifelong Learners GTX Travel Policies
Please note these policies may change on a trip-by-trip basis.
Health and Safety Policies
Health and safety updates will be posted as needed.
Trip reservations are made by mail accompanied by your check.
Please mail your reservation form and check to Lifelong Learners GTX, P.O. Box 488, Georgetown, TX 78627. Confirmation of your reservation will be sent to you by email by the Lifelong Learners GTX office upon receipt of the reservation/check. You will be notified if the trip is full and you are on the waitlist.
A fee of $25 will be charged if your check is returned unpaid by our bank.
Confirmation Notices
Confirmation email notices will be sent by the Administrator every Thursday.
Reminder Notices
Reminder email notices will be sent ad appropriate prior to the trip with specific information about the trip.
Cancellation/refund policies are specific to each trip. Please read them carefully in the information about the trip.
If you must cancel and you desire to give/sell your seat to someone else, they must be (or become) a member of Lifelong Learners GTX. You must also notify the Lifelong Learners GTX office of the change so the trip roster can be updated.
It is important that you contact the Administrator as quickly as possible if you have to make a last minute cancellation. There will be specific contacts included in the trip information. You can also email the office using: [email protected]
Roommate cancellations – Because hotel rates are set for single or double occupancy, should one of two roommates with a double occupancy reservation cancel and receive a refund, the other roommate will be responsible for the cost difference between the double and single occupancy rate.
Lifelong Learners GTX does not assume liability for medical issues that might occur during a trip, nor do we provide travel insurance for cancellations or delays. Travelers are encouraged to obtain their own medical, travel, and other desired insurance. We will be happy to point you to options.
Information for Travelers
Our trips are a part of the Lifelong Learners GTX educational experience which encourages student interaction related to the various aspects of each excursion.
Travelers are encouraged to share their knowledge and experience with their fellow travelers, especially as they relate to the educational purposes of each specific trip.
Seats will not be assigned; travelers will choose their own seats on a “first-come-first-seated” basis. On longer trips, a seat rotation system may be utilized. A few seats on each trip are reserved for supplies, hosts and guides; these seats are marked with “Reserved” signs.
Smoking, tobacco chewing, and consumption of alcoholic beverages are not permitted in any vehicle used for our trips.
Travelers who require personal assistance must be accompanied by a companion who is capable of, and responsible for, providing such assistance. The personal assistant must pay for his/her space on the trip.
Please notify the office if there are special dietary requests. Every effort will be made to honor such requests.
Accommodations are based on double or single occupancy only. Unfortunately, we cannot arrange roommates. However, we can connect you with another person seeking a roommate should one be available. We request 2 beds or King/Queen where possible.